Who is going to hold them accountable?

  1. 16,918 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 140
    Everywhere you look in countries like ours, more and more of the countryside is being grabbed, set aside, confiscated - you name it, they'll do it - for wind farms, solar farms, any kind of land grab in pursuit of this fallacy that CO2 is coming to get you by causing devastating climate change.

    This is of course a huge fraud, conceived and perpetrated by shadowy finance & political gnomes, most of whose identities will never become known.
    There are aiders & abbetters in all walks of life, because successful scams always attract willing innocent or savvy footsoldiers hoping to profit in some way.
    Seldom though do scams like this become so big and so quickly.

    My best advice is to ignore the hype, not to be sucked in to any of its hustles and above all not to be frightened out of your wits by it. These things always die a natural death, just as the predicted Ice Age did.
    Above all, don't be conned into spending your hard-earned on any of the promised solutions.
    And don't vote for the promoters of the scam.
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