Who is Michael the archangel?, page-21

  1. 6,756 Posts.
    I know this will mean nothing to you because once belief is repeated enough times it goes beyond reason, or the need of any kind of proof or evidence, basically almost nothing can challenge a belief and Christians are empowered by endlessly repeated beliefs that have no evidence, logic or reason. All the other major religions are the same.

    If Jesus was Michael, He would have made it very clear and unambiguous that He was Michael. Why on earth would He be Jesus the Christ and then become Michael, whom nobody had ever associated with being a pseudonym for Jesus? Hi, I'm Jesus, but you can call me Michael, really?

    Michael pops up in the Bible a couple of times and He sounds like an ass-kicker so let's say He is Jesus when He gets mad and breaks all His own teachings, that's why He needs some alias. He's Jesus come back with a moustache and an eye-patch and maybe missing tooth for effect. Is there any chance at all that a Christian might look at this logically?

    So, we know that wars do not break out literally in heaven for two reasons. The first is that heaven does not exist, it's a state of being and second, the dominion of Jesus and G.d would surely be free of any form of corruption and I would suggest that a war is the pinnacle of corruption. One minute G.d is All-powerful and the next He can't even prevent a war and insurrection in His own dominion. He sounds just as pathetic as us mortals.

    The dragon is symbolic, such a beast shows the magnitude of corruption faced by Michael and His followers. Humans have become so disinterested in religion, or have corrupted it beyond recognition that the task is so great it's like fighting a dragon. The fight is a spiritual fight of good vs evil. The dragon did not prevail, meaning that eventually a better more moral world of justice and equity will come out on top.

    The devil, satan is a state of separation from truth by lies, slander, false accusation, and Michael (One like G.d) who is not literally Jesus returning and that's why He is called Michael and not Jesus, but rather He is the return of a spirit like Jesus. Michael will face the dragon of ignorance, false accusation and slander and eventually He will prevail.

    Michael = a new teacher with a new religion and yet the same spirit as Jesus, serving the same Will of G.d.
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