The ideology of ‘we’re so peaceful we’ll murder you if you don’t...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 910

    The ideology of ‘we’re so peaceful we’ll murder you if you don’t believe us’ might have taken your advice oh I don’t know. ... some time back in the -1700’s when they were enslaving, ( not saying they’ve stopped yet because they haven’t ), anybody they could including any Westerners they could, including American citizens.

    A small matter which prompted America’s Jefferson to go to Tunisia? To ask them ‘why are you enslaving our people- we have done nothing against you’ to which he received the answer of ‘we have a book that tells us to enslave non members’.

    Thanks to that America had separation of church and state included in the constitution.

    Chickens and eggs eh? Who knows who started what but at the end of the day there are two basic world views- ‘we are all free and the children of a creator whether that is a God or whatever else’ versus ‘only the strong should be free and any who don’t believe our version of God etc must be destroyed’.

    Only one ideology can ultimately survive and I choose the freedom for all route.... which is hard because we must extend courtesy to those who harm us, as the West is doing now to those who are happy to come, collect welfare payments and work each day to scare or harm as many of us as they can.

    Even their book says to ‘terrorise the non member’.... a very challenging group to share a world with when we say ‘love your enemy’.
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