Who is telling the truth?, page-3

  1. 34,591 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    setting us up for another war - very dangerous games being played here and obama and mccain are in the thick of it.

    russia has the upper hand imho - they still have something like an estimated 6000 nukes and a sattelite in geosynchronus orbit above the us and all it would take to completely wipe the us in one very big emp blast.

    if a blast from space was big enough to hit the whole of the us then the consequences of such a strike would be that the electricity grid would be knocked out for at least 18 months. there are no spares for any of the subsystems and any that could be built have a 12-18 lead time from germany. and considering that germany is currently tending to side with mother russia they may not get them built at all.

    further with the electricity system knocked out the drop in population as mentioned on deagel.com will be the result. one senate committee estimates that 90% of the population would be wiped out within a year

    then russia and china only have to wait for 18 months then march in completely unopposed - the remaining population would then be slaves
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