who pays sbs employees?

  1. 31 Posts.
    Who pays for the production for the SBS television programmes?
    More specifically.....Who pays for the making of the SBS programme Dateline?
    Did anyone watch it last night?
    Honestly, I don't think even the Al-Jazirra, Arabic Network would have produced and shown such a vehemently anti-Western, anti-USA propagandistic filth.....
    Those behind the Dateline programme, I think, are Australian (atleast in last night's segment) citizens, employees of SBS, payed by the Australian Taxpayers.
    George Negus, since he assumed the "chair" of the Dateline programme has not shown anything else but pro i-slamic, anti-Western sewage, to the point that I, and several others I know, disgustingly are forced to switch to other channel everytime the Dateline programme comes on...
    I was particularly disturbed and disgusted with last night programme, which the SBS producer had "conviniently" prepared and organised to be shown the very next day, after the arrest of our home grown terrorists.
    It's time someone tell and remind George Negus and the rest of the Dateline hierarchy that the whole world, the whole planet is confronted by the scourge of i-slamic terrorism. They should at least show some objectivity and show the true picture of terrorism, the entire humanity is afflicted with, instead of attempting to make heroes and "innocent victims" of the very same individuals our Troops are fighting against in Iraq for the democratization of that nation.

    Cheers. Eclecticism:))))
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