stinkbeetle1,Wow this guy madsen that you quote is really...

  1. 1,477 Posts.

    Wow this guy madsen that you quote is really busy.

    So many conspiracies, so little time.

    Seems he sees demons under every rock and behind every tree.

    Here is a small sampling.

    Must be "interesting" to have heros like this

    Gotta go, catch you later stinkbeetle1

    Texas to Florida: White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software
    By Wayne Madsen

    Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election
    By Wayne Madsen

    Exposing Karl Rove

    Wayne Madsen
    Trading Places: Will the US Go the Way of the USSR?

    The Israeli Torture Template
    Rape, Feces and Urine-Dipped Cloth Sacks

    A right-winger attacks global warming
    By Wayne Madsen
    Sunday, January 2, 2005

    Michael Crichton's new novel, "State of Fear," not only unfairly bashes the global environmental movement but represents yet another example of how multinational corporations and their political allies are invading the popular culture to advance fanatic and lunatic right-wing ideas and agendas.

    Wayne Madsen's latest -- on vote fraud, and much else
    Oh boy. Where to start?

    Wayne Madsen caused quite a stir with his Online Journal pieces on electoral tampering, in which he claimed that money to pay the vote-riggers was channeled through a shady entity called Five Star Trust. His unnamed sources also gave him a copy of a $29 million check used in the operation.

    The check, alas, proved to be a phony. Moreover, one of Madsens' sources seems to have been Marion "J.R." Horn of Five Star Trust, who had made the news after a conviction for wire fraud.

    Since Madsen has kept most of his sources unnamed, and since the fake check fiasco left a sour taste in many a mouth, most commentators on the vote fraud controversy stopped citing his work. My own views remained -- and remain -- conflicted. Madsen may have stumbled onto something important, but could we be confident of his abilities to separate the Hersheys from the horseshit?

    Where Those Who Now Run the U.S. Government Came From and Where They Are Taking Us
    By Wayne Madsen
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