who thinks this should happen, page-24

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    I say your Cardioligist is wrong. It was 'bad luck'.
    Your first precursor to the attack is that you are a male. Even though you eat well and exercised at competition level it does not mean your insides were similar. Did you know your LDL Cholesterol levels? Do you know your family history for Cardiac issued? Are you stressed? Don't anyone laugh, stress is right up there as a precursor of heart disease. There are many reasons for a heart attack.
    I'm in your position with a few exceptions. I was a smoker and though not obese didn't exercise. I had an active job. My cholesterol was good but LDL was slightly over. My mother was a clean skin and to our surprise had 3 constricted arteries at 72yr. Had an attack whilst awaiting surgery(which was scheduled within days of diagnosis).
    Me, at 44, last July 26 had the sense to call an ambulance though I didn't want to believe what was happening. Thrombosis en route to hospital and I beat you by one, Cardiac Arrest. Only about 10% survive. Lucky me.

    Not even the doctors were willing to blame one particular event. Basically, bad luck and very good luck to survive.

    May I say as a smoker I didn't smoke inside or in my car, ever, and never hung around entrances. As a smoker I never condoned it. I always said that it's a filthy, expensive disgusting habit that will impair your health in some way. To say otherwise is foolish. I know we can die in other ways but at least if you got something you could discount smoking. Some may say you may as well smoked whilst you played and you still would've got your end result. But that's a cop out argument.

    Eat well, exercise and happy thoughts. If you drop, you drop.
    At least you tried ;))

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