Grozny - Chechnya - De Jure a part of Russia. Are you saying...

  1. 4,560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    Grozny - Chechnya - De Jure a part of Russia. Are you saying that Russia invaded itself?
    "Uses Polonium" - Says who? British Intel? LOL
    Downs MH17 - Nope. No evidence to suggest that the downing of MH17 had anything to do with the Russian government.
    "Flattens Aleppo". Nope. Russian presence in Syria was legal. US presence - illegal.
    "Uses Novicok 2018" - No evidence.

    US - 250+ military interventions since 1991, all over the world, which does not include covert actions.
    Dozens of regime changes.
    Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed. Millions have been displaced as a result of US's military interventions and regime changes.
    Funding/backing of various extremist organisations like Al Qaeda and Taliban.
    Profiting from the death and chaos that they themselves create in the name of "peace and democracy".

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