SSN 0.00% 1.5¢ samson oil & gas limited

Andrew111 / buc - I'm not sure that it was a deliberate action....

  1. sw3
    928 Posts.
    Andrew111 / buc - I'm not sure that it was a deliberate action. The way I see it, it could have been a tragic mistake. We closed yesterday at 8.6 and the open this morning was 5.8. If old mate wanted to off load his shares this morning, he would have wanted to do it at 8.5. If he / she is dyslexic, then they could have typed 5.8 by mistake. If anyone knows / thinks any different, please let me know.

    Just a theory but it just seems completely bizarre that $126,000 worth of shares would sell like that on open.

    The news wasn't devastatingly bad, it was just another bloody average announcement.

    Why would anyone sell out 34% below yesterday's close? You'd try to get top dollar.

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