pelican,how is a doctor going to heal his whooping cough?My kid...

  1. 517 Posts.

    how is a doctor going to heal his whooping cough?

    My kid had whooping cough for two months. No boig deal coughed his brians out , had a fever for a while and moed through the process naturally. Immune for life, stronger for having gone through the process, primed the immune system.

    Now i need to find a kid with chicken pox so he can get immunity to that too. The way nature intedned it!

    CWhat a joke that we vaccinate people for chicken pox flu and other conditions that should be just part of life. We have truned into the anti culture who thinks that every little ache pain or symptom should be treated with an anti -drug.........

    I for one eat right, get my upper cervical spine aligned, exercise, drink plenty of water........etc etc etc

    we have a bunch of lazy, unproductive, poeple who advocate their health to a doctor who knows more and more about less and isnt a pill or a vaccine it is a lifestyle chouce in most cases..... and those who choose to eat like garbage , not sleep enough, etc etc etc will be the ones who let the medical profession drug them into oblivion and make them dependent on a sick care system! That is what it is a sick care system not a HEALTH CARE SYSTEM....

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