I have a friend who is one of these anti vaccine types. She gave...

  1. 6,931 Posts.
    I have a friend who is one of these anti vaccine types. She gave me a couple of books in which the case against vaccination was set out. It was pathetic, there was nothing scientific in them.
    About 13 years ago there was a paper published in a science based medical journal (Lancet?) that purported to show that there were serious risks associated with vaccines. Just within the last year that paper has been slammed as not valid. As far as I know that was the only scientific paper that was supposed to prove there was a problem with vaccines.

    With regard to measles there is a much more serious consequence of infection that arises somewhere between 15 and 20 years later. This explains it: "The neurological sequelae after measles can be encephalitis or subacute sclerosing pan-encephalitis (SSPE). The encephalitis is lethal in 15-18% of the patients, that can rest handicapped at 25%. The SSPE is always lethal. The social and economical consequences of these problems are emphasised. It is suggested nursing care by Leavell & Clark levels of prevention."

    If you want to see rates of mortality etc in NSW I recommend the NSW Health reports up to about 1950, from about 1870. They plotted them in the report up to that time. The graphs show some trends down for some of the common diseases. Lots of mortality.

    With regard to polio, as a boy of about 7 years old in the late 1940s my best friend got it and ever after I used to see him pulling himself along on his crutches for life in Brisbane. His legs were badly crippled.

    The WHO decided we could rid the world of polio so set out to do it. They got to Nigeria as the last country to eliminate it. That was in 2000 AD. The mad mullahs amongst the Muslims decided the medicine was being distributed to sterilize their girls so they preached against it. Consequently the disease was not eradicated. Being Muslims many of them did their thing and trekked off to Mecca. Hey presto, they spread polio to a number of countries that had eliminated it. Back to the drawing board. WHO are trying once more to do it but this time those with brown stuff for brains are shutting up so it just might get up this time.

    I have also been vaccinated against Hep B, twice, but, along with my wife and son, have no immunity.

    I have just one thing to say to the anti vaccinators, NEVER underestimate the power of the bacterium or virus to kill. They can change their "spots" - and do.
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