see this is my problem......I am not going to argue whether...

  1. 517 Posts.
    see this is my problem......

    I am not going to argue whether vaccines decrease infectious disease....I think that is self evident. There are books out there that say that the incidence of infectious diseases was already on a down hill slide and there was no break in slope after vaccines were introduced. I believe that is hogwash. it is obvious that i can no longer find chicken pox to give to my kids, a result of vaccines getting rid of the "disease". My concern is this. What are the long term consequences of these vaccines. What are the consequences of injecting antigens into the bloodstream, and thereby missing many immune system triggers(ie peyers patches in the intestines and immune triggers in the nasopharynx etc etc). There is some evidecne that this results in a half hearted immune response which is not the same as how we get it inaturally. And this could be triggering off an autoimmune raection. I have patients who have been teachers for over forty years. Some of them tell me they are cvonvinced that incidents of learning disablilities and behavior issues may have their roots in damaged nerve systems/immune systems. Teh bottom line for me is that I beleive a healthy body fights off all infections. Does that mean the person wil not get sick ? Of course not but they will move through the problem and be stronger for having gone through it.

    I would hope that you would agree that the pharma companies ahve an incentive to immunise people agaisnt everything fromt he common cold, flu, aids etc etc etc If they kept it to the major ones polio, diptheria etc etc it would nt be so flagrant. It just seems ludicrous that a kid gets 44 shots in their first two years of life. Excessive? I think so.

    Anyway we could go round and round on this and i suppose it just depends how you want to look a the matter.
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