whoosh ... 9089 logins today ... whoosh, page-2

  1. 4,557 Posts.

    Is this the sign of an imminent reversal of fortune? as more and more punters take up trading and enter HC to make some "easy money"


    like why work for a living ... is this your future? you too can make a lazy 10 grand a week for the rest of your life from the comfort of your own versace penthouse suite sipping champagne and laughing it up with your fellow pro traders while your ex working buddies are stuck in a dead end job you are having fun hitting refresh all day

    learn how to on HC for free from guys who have done it ... for free FFS ... do it now!!!

    testimonial: I was a dweeb with low self esteem use to work 80 hours a week for sweet FA for a boss who hated me ... but not anymore told that boss to shove it now I just log onto HC grab a tip buy a PD (penny dreadful) and wallah instant squillionaire

    disclaimer: (say this bit real fast) while some do indeed make successful traders you may not have what it takes you may lose all your money and end up living in a cardboard box with no job and no possibility of future employment trust me pro stock trader on your resume does not impress prospective employers

    do you have what it takes can you earn an income if the market turns?

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