why are journos lefties?

  1. 17,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    More so than here I notice the (fair and balanced, lol) Fox media in the US complaining about leftist bias in the popular media.

    Of course FOX has people like Hannity doing 1 hour EVERY day as a GOP (Republican) advertisement. Seldom a Dem guest.

    So why are most journos lefties?

    I suspect it is because they have a brain!

    Conservative pollies are basically brain dead. They can not think beyond the indoctrination received.

    No I don't believe liberals are geniuses and without fault.

    It does seem the loonies are on the right and the lefties have at least thought out their position.

    On the right we have Rinehart and Palmer and Trump etc. Abbott is your worst nightmare.

    Would you trust you kids to these wackos? Not me.

    I have no problem with some making errors but really when they seem subordinated to the their parents telling them Santa is REAL, and they can't get past that then AAARGH!

    When people are fixated on nonsense politics and refuse to look at facts, they deserve to be derided.

    What is that makes people turn off their brains and no longer look at what is best for this nation.
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