why are people always surprised?

  1. 6,022 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 86
    When people found out Tiger Woods was a serial adulterer,they were surprised.

    When people found out the England soccer Captain cheated on his wife with his team mates girlfriend,people were surprised.(didn't anyone ever watch Footballers wife's?)

    When the RBA left rates on hold this week,people were surprised.

    When all the economists got the interest rate call wrong ,people were surprised.(including Shane Oliver & Craig James...lol)

    When the US housing market imploded,people were surprised.

    When the worlds stock markets crashed triggering GFC1 people were surprised.

    When NZ unemployment jumped higher than expected today people were surprised.

    When Herman Rockefeller went missing and was found to associate with swingers,people were surprised.

    When retail sales for December in OZ were weak people were surprised.

    When Barrack Obama couldn't solve America's problems,people were surprised.

    When Barrack Obama turned out to be just another politician ,people were surprised (and very disappointed I might add).

    When the stock market rally off the March lows started to falter,people were surprised.

    When the 'correction' turns into a crash people will be surprised.

    When the OZ housing market crashes ,people will be surprised.

    When the Fuji survey showed 46% of first home buyers were suffering 'mortgage stress', people were surprised.

    When first home buyers who got suckered into the bubble real estate market start losing their homes in droves,people will be surprised.

    Why are people always surprised.

    The only thing out of all of the above surprises that surprised me was Tiger Woods.

    The rest was/is patently obvious.

    But life goes on.Tiger will be back swinging next week (golf clubs that is not the other sort of swinging).

    I will check back in a month or so and see what surprises have surprised us.
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