"Greens seem to go alright in countries like Germany so no...

  1. 23,159 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 827
    "Greens seem to go alright in countries like Germany so no reason why they wont be ok in Australia. "

    I hope you look forward to 50% tax rates plus inheritance and death taxes then as is the greens policy.
    I hope you look forward to the financial instability that will occur.
    I hope you look forward to paying 45% more for your health insurance

    That is if those wonderful green policies get through but I somehow doubt they will. At least hope and pray they won't!!!

    The two independents with Windsor in particular made known that they didn't do this for Australia but purely their own electorates and rural Australia.
    Can't say that I blame them for as Winsdor said they basically have their one moment of glory and it would be wasteful to do something for the betterment of the nation when their own constituents can benefit instead.
    They have effectively done more for rural Australia in a few weeks than the Nationals have done for years.
    So they may be gone next election and there will be some unhappy people but they did the deal that was best for them and who can really blame them?
    Secretly the Nationals should be a little pleased.(with the exception of Barnaby of course).
    The beauty of this is that if Gillard sides with greens she will lose the indies support.
    So bottom line is Australia better off with this arrangement or worse off?
    I reserve my judgement but look forward to some good politics over the next couple of years or should I say interesting politics because I am not sure this situation allows for good policies to be implemented but we shall see.
    What I am happy about is that we WILL get to see the real Julia and the real Tony from now on and the next election will be a much more informed one.
    I just found out on the week end that my 2nd eldest son (21)voted greens and when I asked why he said because him and his mates don't like Gillard or Abbott. When I asked what he thought about greens policies he shrugged and said he didn't really know and hates politics.
    I was pretty much the same at 21 but we all grow up.
    Most importantly I note with utter distain that the AUD has dropped after the announcement.
    Damn those Indies spoiling my holidays!


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