LYC lynas rare earths limited

why are you certain the quarterly will be + ?, page-23

  1. 8,918 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    'by the end of 2008, Lynas's share issue of 655 Millions V current 1960 Millions = X 3 times.
    when Av. Mt Weld Composition was $11.45/kg, Estimated of the operating costs to US$5.75/kg(+/-10%)in final product.'

    Of course it was, otherwise they would not have been able to raise the finance to continue.

    So what has changed in the COP? Have the chemicals / processes / Malaysian labour costs gone up by 300/400% in 5 years?

    Why are we now being told high teens, and maybe $15 at some stage in the future? Something does not add up to me.

    Maybe someone can enlighten us as to how this drastic increase in COP has come about? Or was it always a little wishful thinking?
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