LYC 2.53% $6.16 lynas rare earths limited

why are you certain the quarterly will be + ?, page-25

  1. 1,648 Posts.
    in the financial Year of 2009.
    total remuneration of Directors + executives:
    A$6.7 Millions.(A$2.4 Millions for NC).
    the SP at 30/6/2009: 35c.

    in the financial Year of 2012.
    total remuneration of Directors + executives:
    A$11.8 Millions, + 43%
    (A$4 Millions for NC)+ 40%.
    the SP at 29/6/2012: 85c. + 143%.

    the SP at 28/6/2013: 37.5c - 127%.
    how about the remuneration of the financial Year 2013?
    although the SP has declined but the remuneration certainly increased.

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$6.29 $6.32 $6.16 $32.10M 5.170M

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14 38655 $6.15

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$6.17 230 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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