LYC 1.56% $6.95 lynas rare earths limited

why are you certain the quarterly will be + ?, page-26

  1. 23,533 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 770
    IMO, there will likely be an ann before the quarterly re sales or product acceptance because this info is price sensitive and requires continuous disclosure and a late ann in the quarterly could subject the company to ASIC scrutiny.

    The Quarterly is likely to be minimal which would be in line with its mute state since the GE13 results.

    Again, IMO, the company is abit paranoid because of its SMSL saga and its
    fear of China and it will likely be reluctant to release any info that might endanger its current sales activities. Conquesting customers can be a "cloak & dagger" affair.

    So, IMO, the quarterly will likely be a very understated document .

    I wish I could honestly say otherwise.

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