why are you cheering for obama, page-88

  1. 1,710 Posts.
    Sen John McCain's speech, whilst distinguished was nonetheless marked by the booing from the crowd whenever the Democrates or Obama was mentioned.

    There is nothing worse than a bad looser.

    Seems to be something about conservatives. They do not like being beaten and seem to take it much, much worse than those of the left of politics.

    I wonder why?

    Is it a "born to rule" mentality or is just a case of plain ol' sour grapes?

    Those republicans in the US who have recruited from the far right have seen the error of their ways today.

    The Rumsfelds, Chaney's of this world should take a very long hard look at themselves and ask the question.

    What did I constructively contribute to humanity?

    Good bye - so long and come back again when you can't stay so long.

    President George W. Bush 2001–present
    Vice President Dick Cheney 2001–present
    Secretary of State Colin Powell 2001–2005
    Condoleezza Rice 2005–present
    Secretary of Treasury Paul O'Neill 2001–2002
    John Snow 2003–2006
    Henry Paulson 2006–present
    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 2001–2006
    Robert Gates 2006–present
    Attorney General John Ashcroft 2001–2005
    Alberto Gonzales 2005–2007
    Michael Mukasey 2007–present
    Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton 2001–2006
    Dirk Kempthorne 2006–present
    Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman 2001–2005
    Mike Johanns 2005–2007
    Ed Schafer 2008–present
    Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans 2001–2005
    Carlos Gutierrez 2005–present
    Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao 2001–present
    Secretary of Health and
    Human Services Tommy Thompson 2001–2005
    Michael Leavitt 2005–present
    Secretary of Education Rod Paige 2001–2005
    Margaret Spellings 2005–present
    Secretary of Housing and
    Urban Development Mel Martinez 2001–2003
    Alphonso Jackson 2003–2008
    Steve Preston 2008–present
    Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta 2001–2006
    Mary Peters 2006–present
    Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham 2001–2005
    Samuel Bodman 2005–present
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi 2001–2005
    Jim Nicholson 2005–2007
    James Peake 2007–present
    Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge 2003–2005
    Michael Chertoff 2005–present
    Chief of Staff Andrew Card 2001–2006
    Joshua Bolten 2006–present
    Administrator of the
    Environmental Protection Agency Christine Todd Whitman 2001–2003
    Michael Leavitt 2003–2005
    Stephen Johnson 2005–present
    Director of the Office of
    Management and Budget Mitch Daniels 2001–2003
    Joshua Bolten 2003–2006
    Rob Portman 2006–2007
    Jim Nussle 2007–present
    Director of the Office of
    National Drug Control Policy John Walters 2001–present
    United States Trade Representative Robert Zoellick 2001–2005
    Rob Portman 2005–2006
    Susan Schwab 2006–present
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