All too funny, reality is that post world war 2 which is when...

  1. 60,795 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    All too funny, reality is that post world war 2 which is when the baby boomer began was a time of prosperity will so much work available and business opportunities. For many dropping out of school and starting to earn money was a great option, back then the was no need for qualifications as people got training on the job and worked their way up. For those that wanted further education University was free

    You didn't have to be particularly smart to save money, cost of living was relatively cheap especially has there was not the technologies that are must haves now. To that point my illiterate parents arrived in Australia with little more than 3 kids and in debt for the cost of getting us here. Went on to have another child, both parents worked as un-skilled labours, brought a block of land built a new house and in five years was debt free.

    Kids today are not going to be able to buy a house and pay it off in five or even 10 years now

    Most decent paying jobs these days you need some sort of qualification and even then it's not easy getting into your chosen field. Leave school without getting trade qualification and your job options are for low paid jobs

    Now days you have to pay for a university education, most opt for the HECS option or what ever it is now so takes some years to pay off that debt and even after graduating from Uni you start off on a relatively low salary

    So it's amusing to see the baby boomer make out how smart there and how the younger generation have it so easy
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