The best thing the Feral Garment can do is to stop propping up...

  1. 3,702 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    The best thing the Feral Garment can do is to stop propping up the faltering property market. They would:

    Make housing affordable again,

    Make rental yields higher making property a sensible investment for the landlords,

    Generate much more property related revenue from massive spike in volume of sales.

    Knock some sense into the banks.

    Get rid of negative gearing by the fact that it would be labelled as a risky trap that worked in the 90's

    Return property to something classified as a place that you live in or make a rental yield from, not a capital growth ponzi scheme on steroids.

    But they will not do this, as they fear voter backlash, and all this will ever result in is a more protracted period of no capital growth or alternatively a larger crash if it comes to that. Government intervention in any market usually ends in tears, but buys a few votes along the way, and once they have the votes, they couldn't give a cold pie what happens after that.
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