There is nothing like such discussions to make some of the most...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 352
    There is nothing like such discussions to make some of the most apparently rational people to say staggeringly irrational things.

    Fact: Science knows nothing of the spirit world because it is out of scope. Why? Science looks at only that which can be measured. Would add that which is fashionable in their circles.

    I have a number of "ghosts"or spirits in my old house. They have scared the pants off a number of tenants, who promptly moved out.

    Also have a mate who is a real life exorcist. One of his jobs was a girl in Woden Valley hospital psychiatric ward(Canberra) They were going to declare her clinically insane and commit her to a secure mental hospital the next morning.

    The resident psychiatrist described what happened when he arrived with her dad. The girl had been involved with the covens.

    The whole scene included the girl screming obscenities as exorcist and her dad walked into beginning of corridor out of her sight, him (12 stone plus) being thrown bodily across ward and slammed into the opposite wall, girl 7 stone, by a force in her, did not touch her apart from laying on of hands but she was covered in bruises and bleeding from under fingernails, screaming abuse (watched by ward staff and psychiatrist mouths agape) then after second laying on hands reacting violently then suddenly busting into tears and rushing to hug her father begging him not to leave her as something was or had been inside her.

    She was discharged as sane the next morning.

    A few days later he was summoned again. Same thing. Did it again.

    I have met the psychiatrist socially and he told me about it before I met the exorcist, a dutchman who has been a pilot instructor in the military. No fool.

    Could fill volumes with such information but if people want to go around ignoring such things there is no point in my wasting my time trying to persuade them. I someone doesnt want to do their homework and flunk out in the battle to understand what is going on around us go right ahead. It does take some balls to be different. A lot of people who think they have them are kidding themselves.

    By the way, did anyone notice the picture on the news the other day taken at an Australian war cemetery at Gallipoli around dark? The subject was looking out over the sea of Marmara as the sun set. When the picture was viewed there were two figures in it. One was wearing a slouch hat looking out there beside him. The picture was in the film.

    I think the real reson many people are in denial is fear. Dont be afraid seek out the truth. It will set you free.

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