why can't lefties let go of the past?, page-4

  1. 4,751 Posts.
    and who ever said Murdoch press was biased, they're just saying it how it is - i assume some freak liked something about what a politician did - he probably berated them also for not doing 'enough'.

    I think Eagle hypothesised, day dreamed about this killer liking immigrant babies being thrown overboard or something - it can only be a theory from Eagle.

    funny how there can be sooo many threads about information none of us know, which is, in what context Howard and Costello rated a mention in a killers rambling - which is clearly what Laborites are prodding for an answer.

    The horrible thought is that those from the Left unanimously and resoundingly crave that the words of a mass murderer should be dissected and debated. They are in a bad mind set, and it makes me wonder who has more to lose and who has a pile of loot to defend by any means when a conservative government wrestles our beloved country away from the clutches of a socialist party.
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