why China's dog eating festival is a wake up to the world

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    In just days, the city of Yulin, in China, is expected to become the sight of a sickening dog eating festival.
    Animals Asia and Humane Society International has given global recognition to the victims of this event. This follows years of investigations and on-the-ground work by Animals Asia to end the trade of dogs and cats for food. So intense has the international pressure become that last year the city of Yulin vowed to not support the festival. It still went ahead. But fortunately, fewer dogs were slaughtered.

    Since then, Yulin authorities have attempted to appease the international community by claiming this year’s event will be cancelled entirely — but investigations have revealed that preparations for the cruel festival are still underway.

    Cat meat is also sold at Yulin’s slaughterhouses. PHOTO: Humane Society International
    With petitions now reaching the millions (you can sign one here), the unprecedented international pressure on Yulin to permanently cancel the dog eating festival may soon be successful.

    But without cultural change, any victory is likely to be short lived. Because unless those who have grown up eating dogs learn to widen their circle of compassion to recognise dogs as ‘friends’,  not ‘food’ — China’s dogs will always be at risk.
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