ASX 0.00% $63.92 asx limited

II,Well well well, yet another copy/paste and this time others...

  1. 3,704 Posts.

    Well well well, yet another copy/paste and this time others have posted the same article many times over.

    Why don't you guys copy/paste the articles in 2003/4 which were trumpeting the crash of property within the next 12 months. I remember HC renters posting those with vigour.

    When one suburb would have some lower sales that would be the beginning of the end for the whole country's property values.

    Ofcourse none of it came to pass. Do any of those HC posters come back today and apologise for scare mongering? I haven't seen any.

    Do they regret continuing to rent as the prices continued to rise? One can only guess but I am willing to bet they are still today screaming that prices will drop dramatically, will they still be renting and screaming in 10 years time? You betcha they will.
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