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Why Covata is disruptive

  1. 6,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2345
    Thanks Fib, for your foresight.
    ..i hope you don't mind for cut&paste here:
    "Thing with CVT is, any day a fund manager might latch onto it and start buying massive chunks on market. That's one of the benefits of its slightly larger market cap of $95 million. It's on big money, deep pocket radars.

    PSY couldn't get a decent cap raise done until they were $200 million market cap because it took a bit of size and the exposure it brought to get a big broker interested/aware.

    SafeShare beats Dropbox, but that's only the start.

    CVT has just baked in its tech to a file sharing app. They are the only ones who can because they have the IP.

    CVT could bake in their tech into an email server to compete with gmail and hotmail.

    Accidentally sent someone an embarrassing email? Goofy employee mistakenly sent some sensitive data to the wrong recipient? Had an affair that's gone sour and want to make sure the mistress doesnt use the emails you exchanged with her against you or show your wife?

    No probs, with an email with Covata tech bolted on.

    Just click a button and that person no longer has any access to the contents of the email.

    But what if that person has forwarded the email on to 50,000 other people?

    No probs, their access is instantly revoked too. Even if they downloaded the email or stored it on a USB stick. Gone.

    Think gmail and hotmail already have a similar function?


    Gmail has the "undo" function... you know what that is? That just sets a time delay before Gmail actually sends your email. You need to set a specified amount of time between when you click send and when Gmail actually sends the mail.

    You need to do this before you send the email... 1 second late and that email belongs to the recipient forever.

    Hotmail has a "recall" function, which is equally archaic and neanderthal, in comparison to Covata tech.

    Hotmail's recall button only works if the recipient also uses Hotmail. Otherwise its just a polite email sent by Hotmail to the receiving email server to "please delete this email".

    But what if the person prints the email? Well, with a bit of foresight, you can click one button and that will prevent any email from ever being printed.

    This can be set in advance to any recipient or any group of recipients in advance, or on a case by case basis.

    So Covata could, if they decided to direct resources that way, could create the world's most secure email system, which would put Gmail and Hotmail and all the others to shame.

    But while they are still small they will likely license their tech to Gmail so Gmail can boast the world's most secure email. If they dont want Hotmail to follow suit they will have to pay Covata a massive exclusivity fee to prevent Covata selling their embeddable security and real-time data revocation tech to Microsoft's Hotmail, to maintain a competitive advantage.

    Or instead of buying the Covata tech, they will just buy Covata and hoard the tech for themselves.

    If Google knew how to code for instant, real time data revocation, they would have done it themselves.

    Maybe they could poach a high ranking employee from Covata?

    Well they'd be under a non disclosure agreement, and the tech is patented anyway, and not just the tech but Covata has managed to patent important parts of its multi-faceted, umbrella technology as a business process, as well as as a technological innovation.

    And then there is the time and cost barrier to entry - Covata has spent the last 6 years and $30 million developing this technology. Out of financial reach of a start-up, and far too much time lag for a giant. Add another 12 months on top of that for certifications etc.

    Far easier to just buy the company, which is why Google and Facebooks and Microsofts pay billions for companies like Youtube and Whatsapp and Skype.

    Why didnt Google just build their own Youtube? Why didnt Facebook just build their own Whatsapp? Why didnt Microsoft just build their own Skype?

    This tech can be incorporated into mobile phone SMS systems, so anyone could instantly revoke access to any SMS sent to anyone else.

    Even if that SMS had been forwarded to 5 million people across 50 countries. Every copy of that SMS is now unaccessible, permanently, and instantly, with a single touch of a button....

    Until the sender decides otherwise... its also entirely reversible.

    Every mobile phone manufacturer and internet service provider is going to want to brag about having SMS's and emails that can be withdrawn at any time.

    It could be incorporated into Skype for the same function. Any and all digital communication systems - Whatsapp, Viber, Threema, dating sites like Oasis, RSVP, Plentyofish etc...

    And all that was just focusing on one of the functions of Covata's all in one data security solution.

    Companies going into cloud computing is now blasé... but a company that can secure the increasing masses of files, data and photographs that reside or pass through the cloud... that's the new trillion dollar opportunity.

    No more hacked nude celebrity photos, no more Wikileaks.

    What would the US government pay to prevent the next Ed Snowden or Julian Assange from disseminating the next cache of highly classified information?

    They'd pay whatever it cost.

    And fortuitously for Covata, they happen to have the former Assistant Director of the FBI as Chaiman... plenty of connections there.

    Why havent Covata landed big government contracts already? Theyve only recently completed work to make their tech, and product built around it like SafeShare, ready for large enterprise and government.

    Discussions with multiple large clients are underway as I write, and could be announced at any moment.

    $5.8 billion TPG Telecom has already signed up for Covata the tech, and also bought 15% of Covata the company.

    [email protected]

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