Why did Dan Andrews allow 20,000 people into AAMI a day before Lockdown?, page-111

  1. 2,938 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 223
    Yep equally crazy, many other performance based and entertainment sectors have been force to make major restrictions on crowd/attendance levels and implement covid safe measure. I think holding any major events with massive crowds in the current conditions is irresponsible until vaccination levels are much higher. Unfortunately the feds have been totally asleep at the wheel on that front and politically clever/devious forcing the states into metro quarantine has panned out pretty well (with a Machiavellian hat on there) until the Sydney debacle has show the golden standard was mostly just luck! In a few weeks I reckon many of the LNP rara girls in Sydney will be baying for blood which is going to be great entertainment for the locked down! The construction sector in Sydney has some pretty heavy hitters that cast some pretty dark shadows so going to be interesting to see how they take to some of their sideline gigs being so heavily disrupted!
    Wall to wall labor could be on the cards but have said it before the next election is going to be the hospital pass from hell!

    Pretty certain the Japan Olympics will go pear shaped at some point too!
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