Why did Jacinda Ardern wear a hajib ?, page-9

  1. 1,727 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Ok. So its a sign of respect? Apparently empathy, care and measured thought and words are not.
    This leads then to several questions I would like an answer to please.

    1. Is the donning of another cultures attire based on relative or absolute loss or injury ?
    - If it is relative is there a hierarchy of cultures to be appropriated
    - If it is absolute how many people are required to be injured/killed before it is appropriate ?

    2. Is wearing religious garb appropriate for an agnostic ?
    - She quit the church as the faith did not accept homosexuals so is it appropriate to wear the garb of another religion that does not accept homosexuals

    3. As a precedent has now been set by the PM will people of all races/cultures/religions enjoy the same level of 'respect' ? Foreseeable hypotheticals-
    - How does one dress when catholic clergy are charged for pedophilia - Rosemary beads ? Crucifix ? Altar boy ?
    - Terrorist runs down shoppers killing/injuring Maoris - kaitaka? Tikumu ?
    Extreme hypotheticals -
    - A bus of Nigerians drives of a cliff in NZ - Blackface ?
    - Ukranian white supremacy convention in Aukland is firebombed - Totenkopf cap ?

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