Why do Aboriginal people need help?, page-28

  1. 856 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    You are out of touch with what goes on in the Police world.Those skills you talk about have not been lost. The pace, higher level of violence, lack of support and immense workload of modern day Police means they have neither the time, resources or desire to do what was once considered appropriate force. I would say a lot changed with the meth generation that came in 2000. All of a sudden the level required to contain the violence of the streets meant more injuries, shortened careers and less tolerance for offenders. Some country cops still have the luxury of time and compassion to ease someone into custody. The immense workload of the City or socio-economicly low area does not. Remember the role of police is not to kill people it is to affect an arrest and have the individual placed before the courts and a judge or jury decide the outcome. As a society our tolerance for heavy drug use or alcoholism means those on the front line have had to.adjust. Deaths in Custody will only rise as this cycle spins faster. With 40-50% of Police work now Domestic Violence related it is an accurate picture of modern Australia. Financial pain, gambling addictions, overuse of drugs and alcohol,lack of respect for the family unit. Tasseing, capsicum spray and the odd use of firearm are now the means to solve the ugly end. Society is getting what it kind of wanted with soft on drug, alcohol availability and heavy gambling. Beware the law of unintended consequences...
    As for Aboriginal communities I see little hope of any real grass roots change. A few pseudo-mob members from the inner city will suck the budget and attention dry and nothing will filter to the remote communities where the real troubles are.
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