why do non christians, page-66

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    Some one early on said that prayer is not exclusive to christians,and that is true.

    In India millions perform puja,where they offer food and drink and pray to their many Gods.In Catholic countries people pray to God using a cricifix or rosary.The Muslims are called to the salat or ritual prayer 5 times a day.Buddists carry their prayer wheels and the Shinto peoples of Japan may pray for such a mundane thing as success in school exams.

    After saying all that,people the world over just want to connect with the highest authority in the universe to help and guide them in their lives.For christians the Bible describes God as having Dynamic energy,so if we know how to tap into that energy or holy spirit we can benefit.

    It was interesting to listen to one of the Australian army padres just last week comforting the family and friends of one of the dead soldiers returned from Afghanistan.
    His words were our prayers and condolences are with the family and friends of the deceased.But in this case how would God respond?Would he listen to that prayer?Jesus said in Mathew 26:52 "Return your sword to its place,for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.One of the 10 commandments says You must not murder.And in Proverbs 6:17 it talks about God hating anyone shedding inocent blood.So God hates killing, violence and all this bloodshed we see happening everywhere today.He is not going to listen to the prayer of an army padre who is about to send soldiers out to battle.

    I also remember him saying that the dead soldier was not really dead,but was up in heaven watching over his very own funeral service.But how can that be when Genesis 3:19 tells us that when we die we go back to the dust because that is what we were made from.Or in Ecclesiastes 9:5 says For the living are conscious that they will die,but as for the dead,they are conscious of nothing at all,there love and their hate and jealousy have already perished.

    This is what makes religion so controversial because there are so many of them and all have a smorgasbord of different views and teachings.The book I recommended sorts through all these views and helps you see the progression of all these different religions and you can make up your own minds whether there is a true religion.It may even change your life.Because lets face it there are a lot of intelligent people out there asking some serious questions about where this world is heading,who can I trust and why are we all here? Sensible questions that deserve sensible answers.
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