why do teachers have extra days off?, page-87

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    And one teacher that I knew rang me one day to ask me why I wasn't home at 4.30pm since he had been ringing me at that time of the day. By that time of the day he had already left school and been for his daily swim at the local pool. Another school teacher that I knew, who taught English, asked me to review a report she had prepared for a social club. Her grasp of the English language was appalling. But she loved talking about her next overseas trip to be taken during her numerous school holidays! And another (female) teacher admitted to me (many years ago) that her main reason for taking teaching as a profession was the ability to take time off when she had children.

    I am sure there are any number of dedicated school teachers, but the system seems unable to control those who are unwilling to take their role seriously, inspite of the numerous benefits they receive that that are not available to those in the general work force (except, of course for the police and firemen/women).
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