Why do the Trump supporters need to lie?, page-46

  1. 84,295 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    As to the word revolution - it's got a bad rap, that's true.

    What I've been surprised to be living in with France is the idea of changing from this republic to a new republic.

    In Oz it's like - if we said, oh, we need to ditch this system we've got and go to a republic

    well, right there - there are aploleptic fits all around - even with pro republicans, it's a huge thing

    for so so many French, if someone says, oh - it's time for a new republic -

    no one faints, no one has a hissy, most say either - yep or, oh well, we could do that

    it's an astounding difference - and it's not because the French don't care or emote, they are very capable of saying pffffffffffffffffffft. It's probably the most common sound in france from a human.

    As to the USA and a revolution - I can't see that. I could see a coup. And I could see a new constitution.

    What I certainly see - but, I don't know the timing - is the demise of American might. They will lose the economic race - it's when not if and more importantly - how they handle it.

    I now believe that it's unstoppable - unless I've missed something (which is quite possible) - to me - the denting, the beginnings of the weakening of the petroldollar are well advanced - steady, but on the way.

    If America does become more and more isolationist - which it does seem to be doing - doesn't matter which mob are in power - then their society is going to change because of that -------- medium term - those who get little returns in the boondocks - the trump territory, will probably get a boost - IF, the isolation can happen and overpower the other truly great force - automation and AI etc.

    that's the biggie ----- America might say - oh, bugger buying from China - we ban it or we put on massive tariffs ----------- ok , fine

    but, there is NO WAY that business are going to employ americans at 15 bucks and hour when they can get a robot at 50 cents an hour -

    they forced massive change on america and americans by offshoring and paying some chinese person fifty cents an hour instead of an american maybe 5 to 7 bucks an hour - which is now a buck fifty china to about 15 bucks american

    if they did that - they aren't going to worry about people if they have their own little robots at fifty cents and hour and they are more reliable, don't strike, don't take sickleave etc etc.

    the times are a changin massively for all of us - the USA - well, they are going to drop from first to second - how they handle that is ????????

    my guess is that they will become isolationist and their military will become way to costly to keep going as it has - and other places just won't pay the bucks for american made

    smart government in america would go down the social path - make life truly better there - save on their military - because their military projects might and power - the more they cling to that - the less secure they will be and their military isn't about security ------- if it was, America would be a peaceful and safe place - it is not
    their military is about defence and power - and is 'costing' them in security IMO

    we shall see
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