why do we so desperately need to be in surplus, page-44

  1. 47,953 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    Re your post which included;
    "Lapdog conveniently leaves out the outrageous waste with things like $900 cheques going to dead people and people not even living in Australia, pink batts, BER cost over-runs, GP super clinic failure, oh I cannot be bothered writing anymore. ..."

    Why would I regurgitate what others post with monotonous regularity and especially given the inherent gross exaggerations included.

    As for being part of the ALP cheersquad, at the 2013 election I voted for Cathy McGowan in Indi and in 2010 for the Independent. While Lou Lieberman was our local MP [ie. Liberal] I used to vote for him but I admit to having never voted for Sophie Mirabella!

    One thing that really gets up my nostrils is double standards.

    For all the vicious and hateful criticism levelled at her, Julia Gillard bequeathed to Tony Abbott the world's tenth largest economy with a AAA rating based on world-best macroeconomic KPIs. After 6 years of growth during the worst global financial crisis in 80 years Australians had become the wealthiest people on Earth.

    Gillard provided stable government throughout the aftermath of the GFC despite Tony Abbott's treacherous destructive negativity and the hung parliament she bore as a cross following the 2010 election.

    Meanwhile Abbott shot his motormouth off left, right, centre and backwards prior to the election. But HE was treated with kid gloves by the media! HE was allowed to make ridiculous and false claims and promises that he is now attempting to reconstrue, re-frame and even deny.

    My posts therefore challenge the self-serving perspectives Abbott concocts.
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