why do we so desperately need to be in surplus, page-51

  1. 17,307 Posts.

    I guess that you havent noticed that justice in the US is quite selective lately especially when the democratic process is largely corrupted by massive campaign funding from large industrial combines like GE, close to criminal bankster business groups, corrupt, leftists infiltrated media, activist socialist billionaires eager to pull up the ladder to wealth to entrench their lofty position permanently and of course a mass of 60's era ex-weatherman leftist radicals now, of their children, in government and influencial positions determined to "re-make" the US...

    Bank fines are set low enough to be just a cost of doing business and of course a business advantage to entrenched predatory financial institutions to essentially get away with financial killings (and of course if you look at the mass of recent banker "suicides", maybe even real murder)...

    Madoff and even Enron were just some clowns to throw to the media wolves as a pretense of justice and to feed the media machine...

    What other comments do you want?

    You dont seem to have enough understanding of the CDO's and mortgage backed securities to understand them and, more significantly, the similarity between these gaussian copula computer-model based financial intruments and the havoc they reeked in society, and the cherry-picked-data/gigo computer models of the AGW hoax that is being used to drive an even larger scale financial fraud...

    The CDO/CFD collapse and the AGW hoax are similar fraudulent financial schemes based on a similar framework of computer-modeled complexity, outright deception and parasiting on a underlying economy to produce massive profits for the insiders and fleeces and impoverish the public...

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