I disagree with that Golf . Ive been involved with a few births...

  1. 3,791 Posts.
    I disagree with that Golf .

    Ive been involved with a few births , Natural , Breach delivered naturally and Cesarean . Now I happily admit if I were a woman you'd be cutting it out all day long , because Id be far too Vien and concerned about stretching my personal area .

    I actually found my daughters just expanded their horizons so much when they attended Creche ..Stuck home with a mother who's probably feeling a little Crazy , with limited stimulation or all the Activity and opportunities you get in a Creche ..Dont know if you've been in one lately Golf ? ..But they are pretty impressive , ours sure was .

    The daughter who went to Creche EARLIEST ..basically straight away full time , did the best ..Dux of her school , Great Public speaker , School Captain ..95 in the VCE , just an incredible kid right though life , still is ..shes 19 now .. Canned formula and Creche from birth !

    Anyhow , thats my personal experience .They all LOVED and blossomed at Creche .
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