Why does God allow earthquakes?, page-2

  1. 56,273 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1161
    It's all Adam and Eve's fault - they were responsible for original sin - which you are born with.

    That's why we have Earthquakes, floods, pestilence, wars, disease and all the other little goodies which are attributable to God.

    I liked it better in the old days when every God had a responsibility

    Aphrodites was the Goddess of Love - if you have problems of the heart - you gave Aphrodites a hoy!
    If the wars weren't going your way - then Mars was your God

    and you could choose your Gods based on where you lived - you could go with he Norse Gods, the Roman/Greco Gods. Hindus had a plethora of them and the Egyptians didn't muck around either.
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