Why does the Right hate science?, page-3

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    There are two types of non believers in scientific findings. I will try to0 be nice
    in the language I use.

    There are those who through no fault of there own lack the brain power to understand the intricacies of science so they block it out.

    Then there are those who do have the brain power and actually do understand
    but for some form of personal gain refuse to acknowledge the proven science.
    Some of those who make money out of coal or coal powered energy sources will for the love of money disown the science that says man made carbon emissions contributes to global warming and associated climate change.

    The people that made billions out of tobacco and continue to do so would have known the consequences of tobacco smoking but turned a blind eye even when it was proven beyond doubt the myriad of tragic outcomes tobacco wrought on people.

    The same applies to asbestos. There were some very smart people at the top of the tree who knew the situation but money came first and they bitterly tried every avenue to continue the deadly trade. It still goes on.

    Then there is the case of vaccines where some simply lack the brainpower to understand and wont acknowledge the proven scientific benefits. Some are blinded by religious beliefs and will reject the science no matter what.

    Many right wing conservatives are fearful of change and many also worship money, so you have a combination of those that don’t have sufficient intellect to understand and accept science while those right wingers that do understand worship money over and above social responsibility and reject the science for that reason. In politics the latter group also pretend the science is not real because they realise they can garner the votes of those who due to lack of intellect reject science. Trump would be one of those.
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