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The speech Mr BHP should...

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    The speech Mr BHP should give


    Thespeech Mr BHP should give

    JanetAlbrechtsenFollow @jkalbrechtsen

    7-9 minutes

    Illustration: EricLobbecke

    I am the chiefexecutive of BHP. For a brief moment last

    week, I thoughtabout giving a speech in London to an august

    crowd, some lordsand ambassadors and other masters of

    the universe. It’snot as neat as rubbing shoulders with

    celebrities atDavos, but that mountain soiree is six months

    away. I thoughtabout announcing that BHP will appoint itself

    as the moralguardian of greenhouse emissions, dictating to

    our customers howthey use our products to reduce


    I imagined feeling afrisson of excitement when sections of

    the media and theclimate-in-crisis activists laud my landmark

    address when I alsoannounce that BHP will commit

    hundreds of millionsof dollars, shareholders’ money, to

    monitor what ourcustomers do with the coal they buy from

    us. I will ignorecynics who may think I’m after a personal


    Then I shook offsuch nonsense. As the CEO of BHP, my first

    duty is to ourshareholders, meaning all of them. How feeble I

    would have lookedsuccumbing to a small rowdy bunch of

    activist investorswho think they can tell us what to do over

    and above ourmillions of quiet shareholders.

    I decided thatjoining the herd is too easy, too predictable,

    and maybe people areright to think it a bit sneaky to spend

    other people’smoney to buy personal cachet. I decided to

    leave that tosomeone who craves adulation, rather than


    What follows is myactual speech. I should have given it long

    ago, in Australia,because BHP is still “the Big Australian”.

    Our history andheadquarters are in this country, and so the

    hard work must starthere.

    “Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to be

    here today to talkabout BHP’s response to critical issues

    affecting ourcompany, this country, and the global economy.

    It is time for me,as chief executive of BHP, to take the lead. I

    cannot remain silentany more. Too much is at stake. To the

    climate changeactivists who want me to speak about a

    climate crisis, andspend shareholders’ money on it, I say

    there is anothercrisis I must deal with first. And it won’t cost

    shareholders a dime.

    The challenge isclear and present: there is a crisis of

    confidence aboutcapitalism. It is on the nose, and so are big

    companies. The lossof legitimacy in big companies means

    that fundamentals ofbusiness and capitalism are more highly

    contestable thanthey have been for decades. What were

    once accepted astruths — that businesses create jobs and

    that small and bigbusinesses work together to drive

    economic growth —are controversial because of sustained

    attacks byideological opponents. Not to mention an

    education systemthat is failing to properly educate our


    Those who bash bigbusiness and free markets won’t be

    defeated bycorporate bosses whining privately about populist

    politicians,dimwitted voters and left-wing activists.

    As BHP’s boss, Imust stand up to defend the story of

    capitalism. Ourfuture as a company depends on the next

    generationunderstanding that free enterprise is critical to

    their future.

    I hope othercorporate leaders will join in this existential

    battle. Freeenterprise, the success of companies, big and

    small, are integralto human flourishing. Capitalism is not

    perfect but, asWinston Churchill said about democracy, it is a

    damned sight betterthan the alternatives.

    The history ofcapitalism is one of lifting billions of people

    from poverty,providing standards of living that earlier

    generations couldnever have dreamt of.

    People are livinglonger because of medical advances. Peopl‐

    e are bettereducated, wealthier, more mobile, moving up

    income levels andacross cities and countries. There is an

    extraordinary arrayof technology at our fingertips.

    All of this comesfrom a set of values that drive free

    enterprise. If welose confidence in those values, in open and

    free markets, welose the key to our present and future


    I commit toreminding people of the morality of free markets.

    As CEO, it is myrole to explain why profit matters to BHP, to

    our shareholders,those ordinary Australians who save and

    invest in theirfuture, either directly or through funds that

    invest in us.

    I will use myprivileged position to explain and promote the

    moral dimensions ofpolicies that grow our company and

    create more jobs.Few corporate leaders, if any, ever speak of

    the essential humandignity that comes from work. If more

    people understandthat improving productivity is not just an

    economic imperative,it is a moral one too, they will back

    policies that createjobs. If corporate leaders like me don’t

    support thesepolicies, who will?

    Lower corporatetaxes, more sensible industrial relations laws

    and less red tapeare far more fundamental to our future than

    adding BHP’s nameto any number of feel-good social


    For too long,corporate leaders have shunned these policy

    debates on spuriousgrounds that we do not get involved in

    politics. We makethat claim in our corporate governance

    statement. It’sutter nonsense.

    We get involved in,and throw shareholders’ money at, an

    array of highlycontestable social causes. The Voice? How

    can we, as corporateleaders, justify taking sides on an issue

    that is an intenselypolitical, its consequences unknown, yet

    we did nothing whenthere was a concrete proposal to abolish

    tax refunds for ourshareholders.

    That dereliction ofduty will not happen again under my

    watch.Virtue-signalling about social issues that are far more

    contested than wecare to admit ends today. I commit to

    redrafting BHP’scorporate governance statement to make

    this new directionabundantly clear.

    On that score, thenext time another small, noisy group of

    activists tries tohijack the ASX corporate governance

    principles, imposingpages of social engineering baloney, I

    will speak out.

    Last time ithappened, our silence created an opening for

    those interferingactivists who do not value free enterprise.

    We left it to othersto defeat the dangerous frolic that would

    have guaranteed aone-size-fits-all corporate mediocrity.

    Mediocre companiesdo not survive in a globally competitive

    world. Today, Icommit to showing leadership about how and

    by whom BHP is run.

    Nowhere is themorality of free markets more obvious than

    when it comes tocheap and reliable energy. Our economy,

    our localbusinesses, existing and new jobs, our living

    standards depend oncheap and reliable energy. That means

    there is a futurefor coal.

    It is one of thegreat moral challenges of our time to provide

    cheap energy tocountries less fortunate than ours.

    Cheap energy hasalready lifted billions of people out of

    poverty, improvedtheir life chances.

    Let me end thisaddress by making it clear that we are a

    proud exporter ofcoal, and we will not engage in rich-country

    hypocrisy thatpresumes to tell other countries they cannot

    enjoy the sameadvantages that have made us rich. Thank




    Janet Albrechtsen isan opinion columnist with The

    Australian. She hasworked as a solicitor in commercial law,

    and attained aDoctorate of Juridical Studies from the

    University ofSydney. She has written for n... Read more

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