Cryptocurrency is the future arriving early still in its...

  1. 942 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Cryptocurrency is the future arriving early still in its infancy, unfortunately there are to many speculators at present which accounts for its volatility as well as manipulation. Most of these currencies will fade over time . As crypto currencies carve out their niche markets some have practical use such as lightning fast payment system etc I really can't see the reserve cartels releasing any of their strangle hold on the existing monetary system as they have a monopoly to print money out of thin air. If anything either a few of these currencies will be adopted or taken over or the reserve cartel will issue it own version based on a similar concept to SDI currently in use at an international level between countries. The aim behind this would be to unify the monetary system which in turn will reduce or nullify the sense of nationalism as one currency will allow the next step of the monetary evolution, one standard tax regime for all bringing us one or two steps closer to the UN agenda 21 (interesting read) the accords sighed by the Majority of members at UN 178 countries reading the actual accord pretty much explains where we are heading and why I refer to the "Oligarchs" as they have a different set of rules for themselves and a different set of rule for the rest of us
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