RMG 0.00% 0.7¢ rmg limited

once again the area they are in is awesome, im surprised a...

  1. 117 Posts.
    once again the area they are in is awesome, im surprised a company of RMG's stature was able to secure such a tenement, just look at the company were keeping in our neighbours, and u all may say that if the area was good why wouldnt the neighbours secure the tenement, well i beleive it comes down to money, there tenements are going great and have enormous potential so there spending there money on there own properties, once the neighbours are up and mining and making money and RMG has done testing and has proven results which im sure will be coming and will be positive we could see a numerous amount of takeover offers, this is what im sure the powers that be at RMG are working towards.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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