why has the USA not experienced deflation, page-2

  1. 6,935 Posts.
    " ... the best investments may be sound forms of money ..."

    a few thoughts.

    We need to distinguish between fiat currency (paper) and (real) money such as commodities.

    Governments will always cheat with fiat currency. Hence they ban the ownership of gold when the going gets tough. Gold is real money

    One of the great Khans in China tried excessive printing paper currency. The result was inflation (too much currency and too few goods to buy). So their solution was to issue a new currency (paper) and by fiat decreed that the new paper was worth 5 times the old paper. Simple yet theft.

    The root of the Weimer hyperinflation began in 1913 ish when they began printing like crazy. Bear in mind that they had price control yet by the end of ww1 they had expanded their currency supply 10x. When price controls were abandoned in 1919 prices began to rip. Weimer showed that you can't have inflation if you don't expand the currency supply. Lots of currency and a shortage of goods.

    The current inflation in the USA reveals that the extra cash is chasing too few goods.

    Modern industry is much better placed to step up and produce more goods that could satisfy demand, however. Trouble is that many factories are in China and the transport to the USA is being choked by bottle necks caused by covid not to mention distribution and all the other covd related choke points.

    So whereas the USA can easily get deflation they will may get hyperinflation but will never have a balance of payment crisis because the usd is a reserve currency. All they need to do is to print more usd.

    Seems to me that Biden is printing trillions (supply) in order to maintain their high inflation. Inflation erodes their foreign debt. (theft of course)

    Some Baby boomers in Aus are spending up big when they sell their million dollar houses and downsize. Some left over cash is going into holidays, SUVs and expensive caravans etc. Boomers are also handing out cash to their kids. All in general.

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