why i love islam!

  1. 364 Posts.
    Freeman Center for Strategic Studies - Feb 18, 2004
    Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
    By Yashiko Sagamori

    We live at a time resplendent with dazzling discoveries. Thus, on February 12, Rockwell Shnabel, the US ambassador to the European Union, surprised his hosts by informing them that European anti-Semitism had returned to the catastrophic levels of the 1930's. In response, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, sporting a week-old, Arafat-style stubble on his face but not yet wearing a kuffieh, assured him that anti-Semitism in the European Union is not anti-Semitism of the European Union, prompting those of us capable of discerning the subtle distinction between in and of to contemplate the deeper meaning of is not. It ain't no trivial matter, especially in light of another recent discovery made by the Europeans themselves. Their anti-fraud unit, OLAF, came to the conclusion that the funds regularly provided by ever so humanitarian Europeans to their pet mass murderer Arafat, instead of improving lives of "Palestinians", finance terrorism in Arab-occupied Israeli territories and the luxurious life style of his wife Suha in Paris.

    Poor Suha Arafat receives $100,000 a month from her husband. At first glance, it may seem an exuberant amount of money. Consider, however, all the big and small things a girl all alone in Paris might need in the space of a whole month. Fortunately, the $16,000 a night for the floor she is renting for herself and her staff at one of Paris' most luxurious hotels does not have to come from that measly allowance. If my math is right, she costs the "Palestinian people" roughly $7 million a year. Not bad for a people that doesn't even exist! Besides, what choice does Suha have? To move in with Yasser at the Muqata? You can't be serious!

    But let's get back to European semantics. The fact that the European Union has been, for years, financing the mass murder of Jews at the hands of Arafat's terrorists, while all along feigning ignorance of perfectly obvious facts, means that anti-Semitism is (in the generally accepted sense of the word) the! policy of the EU, and no amount of tricky rhetoric can obscure it. I am tempted to say that by destroying Jewish communities across the continent, the Holocaust left Europe more vulnerable to all kinds of evil, including the Islamization we are witnessing today. But the Holocaust would not have been possible had evil not built a comfortable nest in the hearts of Europeans long before Hitler decided to exterminate Jews. Hitler is history, but evil that made him possible is alive and well and perfectly at home on the old continent.

    Not to be outdone by Europe, the US Government made an unbelievable discovery of its own: it suddenly realized that Muslims do not really love the United States of America. I have no idea what could have possibly given them the clue.

    They didn't figure it out in 1979, when the Iranian mob stormed the US embassy in Tehran.

    They hadn't thought of it in the 1980's, when kidna! pping and, occasionally, killing Americans became the national pastime in Lebanon.

    They didn't suspect a thing during the 1990's when al-Qaeda was unfolding right in front of our noses in preparation for the next stage of jihad.

    They didn't have a clue on the morning of September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers were burning and people who had the bad luck to report to work that day were standing on windowsills, making the last decision of their lives: to jump or to burn.

    The subsequent spontaneous celebration by Muslims all around the world, including Western Europe and even the good old U. S. of A. itself, of the most devastating attack the United States has ever suffered at the hands of its enemies might have been considered a hint, but the US government seems to have paid no heed.

    The mass orgies of flag burnings in the streets of Islamic capitals, the lionization of ! Osama bin Laden, the overwhelming support for Saddam Hussein, the never-ending screams "Death to America!", the Muslim charities all over the world openly collecting money to help finance terrorism, the daily sermons in every single mosque anywhere in the world — all these subtle symptoms appear to have been missed by the wise men in Washington, DC.

    Finally, however, evidence accumulated by sheer osmosis reached the critical mass. Finally, it was no longer possible to pretend that Muslims did not hate us, no matter how much we would rather stay in denial. Finally, it became clear that the problem had to be acknowledged and addressed. And the White House addressed it in the most straightforward and courageous manner so characteristic of the current Administration.

    They launched an around-the-clock satellite TV channel in Arabic that was supposed to convince Muslims all over the world of our goodness and undying love for them, hop! ing that eventually they will reciprocate. Oh, boy.

    Islam emerged 13 centuries ago as an ideology of world domination. World domination is the leitmotif of the main sacred texts of Islam, the Koran and the Hadith. Jihad, the "holy" war, is the way to achieve it. Hatred towards the infidels is the moving force behind jihad. Thus, hatred towards the infidels has been the main content of that religion from its conception in the 8th century to this day. For 13 centuries, Muslims have been brainwashed with the kind of xenophobic propaganda that would make Goebbels look like a girl scout. For 13 centu! ries, hatred towards Jews and Christians has been ingrained in the mentality of every observant Muslim.

    In the minds of Muslims, the world is theirs to rule according to the laws of Mohammed. Pagans are subject to extermination. Jews and Christians, as "people of the book", and, sometimes, Zoroastrians and other minorities can be offered a doubtful privilege to live under Muslim rule as second-class citizens, dhimmis. The very existence of non-Muslim countries constitutes an offense to Islam. In the mind of any independently thinking person, the abysmal backwardness of Muslim and, especially, Arab countries, the gaping contradictions between empty promises of their revered non-prophet and real life, prove that Islam has hopelessly outlived its time. It is the only religion whose followers still practice slavery; it is the only religion that deprives women of every righ! t, including even the right to have a face; most importantly, it is the only religion that seeks to perpetuate itself by means of war. Their backwardness only exacerbates their hatred towards the "infidel". They see the United States as a usurper of power that rightfully belongs to them; they see Israel as a thief of Muslim land.

    Look, I am not telling you that Muslims are bad people. I am saying that, regardless of your religious, ethnic, and any other affiliation, you would hate my guts if you, along with 50-something preceding generations of your family, knew that I must be hated, no matter what. Try to understand how the Muslims should feel about you and me. According to their beliefs, the world was originally Muslim. Adam and Eve were Muslim. Abraham and Sarah were Muslim. Joseph was Mulsim, and so was Moses. The entire world belonged to Muslims. Every human fetus is Muslim until its infidel parents commit the ultimate sacrilege, the capital of! fense against Allah by converting the newborn to their own faith. No, this is not a metaphor. This is not an exaggeration. This is what they believe, in the most literal sense. Unless you are a Muslim, you live on stolen land and breathe stolen air.

    It would've been less unacceptable to them if we lived in the desert and stunk of camel dung, while they led the world in arts and sciences. That would be fair; that would make the Muslim Allah-ordained superiority obvious to them, to us, and to everyone else in the world. Unfortunately for them, it's the other way around. While the Western world, free of the mental shackles of Islam, moved forward, the Muslim world failed to evolve beyond the Dark Ages. Obviously, this adds unbearable insult to painful injury.

    There are two ways to become the best in the field of your choice: one is to better oneself and compete; the other is to kill off all those who are better. Do I need to te! ll you which is the preferred method of Islam?

    I have no idea how quickly the orbit of that satellite is decaying. Let us assume, for the argument's sake that it will stay in the sky, raining our propaganda on camel herders and bejeweled chieftains in white robes for the next 13 centuries, costing the American taxpayer, as it does today, $62 million a year, adjusted, of course, for the inevitable inflation. Do you seriously believe it can counter what every Muslim absorbs with mother's milk, learns at school, listens to at the mosque, reads in newspapers, sees in the streets, hears from his leaders? Yeah, right. Twinkle, twinkle, little star...

    On December 3, 2001, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda found three people guilty of genocide. They hadn't kil! led anyone themselves. They had neither followed orders to kill nor issued them. They had merely used a radio station and a newspaper to incite murderous hatred — and succeeded.

    In a better world, the Rwandan case would've become a precedent not just to close every single mosque on the face of the earth, every madrassah, every Muslim charity, every single Islamic institution on the planet, including every Islamic republic, every jamahirya, and whatever else the worst enemy our civilization has ever had to face might use to spread its poison, but also to ruthlessly prosecute those who run them today. Because the three Rwandan convicts are mere amateurs compared to your average mullah at your average mosque, be it located in the middle of the Arabian Desert or on the out! skirts of Dearborn, MI. Because, contrary to President Bush's assertions, Islam is the enemy, and the longer we allow it to exist, the more ephemeral our odds become to succeed in the ongoing global war, customarily referred to as jihad.

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