IMU 2.70% 3.6¢ imugene limited

Why IMU is a multi multi bagger, page-8525

  1. 2,314 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 647
    This data could open “pandorasbox” as it were for existing CAR T providers who up until now have been unable to effectively treat solid tumours..................

    Hi @Watmighthavben
    Appreciate your posts as always and I believe the market makers/bots too. I’m sure they read follow your posts as they try to neutralise your efforts by pushing the SP down most of the time upon your posts top the HC chart

    You know what, they will eventually fail as more and more of Imugene immuo oncology products get validated or validated further via combination product trials by proven cancer drug companies/ drugs such as :-

    .Merck Pfizer (BAVENCIO drug) ,

    .Roche Genentech (TECENTRIQ drug),

    . Cancer hospital supplying KEYTRUDA drug etc etc

    . my speculation: the 4 existing approved CART drugs will collaborate with our CF33 CD19 OnCARLytics platform
    Last edited by Kluck: 01/09/22
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