Why is Albo pushing us to war and poverty???, page-4

  1. 6,855 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 298
    To continue my broken record impersonation, read How to Defend Australia by Hugh White.
    I am way left of the ALP on most things , have always distrusted the defence establishment, but happy with the changes this time.
    The changes they are making to defence are good ones which eventually will increase our independence from the US.
    ie structure our defence so it defends Australia , rather than being set up as an arm of the US.
    It is only by doing this that we will have the freedom to avoid disasters like Iraq and Vietnam. Both were us paying the bill for US protection.
    For those that say we can't defend ourselves, geography and our wealth make it perfectly feasible to make invading us too expensive to be worthwhile.
    The Greens have demonstrated their almost religious attachment to pseudo left wing ideology , and lack of understanding how the real world works.
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