why is iran supplying hamas with missles, page-47

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    guys, i think once we get intothe religous arguement, we tend to loose sight that it is petty insecure men who use influence to make them feel more important than they really are.

    A bikie gang or gang in general. they have no religous beliefs, yet use force, intimdiation, bullying etc to make the voilent offenders feel they are part of a brotherhood.

    Rather than one on one confrontation, they have the ability to extract revenge in groups and people fear them. to stand up to them as an individual does nothing accept land you in hospital at best. They show no respect even to their own, particular women. they even claim to be victims of police perscuation.

    Again no religion invloved just a power struggle.

    Hamas, and isreal, and the world are full of men who use volience to further their own egotistical interests. The worse thing is they use their belief system to justify any actions.

    I am not jewish nor muslim, and have no hatred to any of these people or their religions. but when their actions cause fear around the world and create hatred I have a concern.

    Hamas need to accept that the current borders will never change and that isreal has the right to exist whether it is hidstorical policitcal or monetary reasons it will.

    Once Hamas and other muslim extremist living in the luxury of their own and in many case western environments relise that they can not change the situation the soone rthe world will be a better place for all.

    But extremist in one form or another are irrational in their beliefs and no matter the persuaisive the arguements they will go down dieing rather than accept that their course of action is not right.

    I do hope that for the people of gaza that the obama peace iniative does in fact work and that the people can, like the rest of us, live in peace.

    Hamas needs, if it really wants peace, to take the high moral ground and accept that peace rather than violence is the way the people of gaza will benefit.

    If they do this, I, like the rest of the world, will be the first to critisice isreal for their continuing oppression of the people of gaza.

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