TMS 22.2% 1.1¢ tennant minerals limited

why is it only liked by me?, page-5

  1. 330 Posts.
    Some of us have long memories Traderv,

    The handling of the company back in early 2002 was abissmal the sp dropped form the high seventy cents and was ramped all the way down to nothing by Rivkin .. ie: he was saying buy buy buy all the way down to 3 cents .. stating that Packer would turn it around .. (my 1st and only listen to Rivkin %&%^^ crook) ... anyway the company was virtualy wiped out with massive debts .. it was only saved by PBL and Channel 10 who now own most of the company ... which should bear well for the future ... personally though I got burnt so badly on this one I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.. Packer or not !! Good luck though ..

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Mkt cap ! $10.51M
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1.0¢ 1.1¢ 1.0¢ $6.152K 596.4K

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2 574899 1.0¢

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1.1¢ 2443321 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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