I'll tell you why…. because the devil currently rules this...

  1. 665 Posts.
    I'll tell you why…. because the devil currently rules this world.

    Each time you sin it separates you further from God. This put's you exactly where the devil want's you, alone and vulnerable, so that he may devour you and take away your free gift of eternal life in God’s kingdom.



    Slowly and insidiously over many millennia the devil has, one by one, introduced and normalised a multitude of sins through his various lies and manipulations.


    This has been now been rapidly accelerating in the last 2000 years and even more so in recent history. Below is a list of the 10 commandments for those who are not well versed in the law of God, these define what sin is and are a reflection of God’s eternal character:


    Sin can also be extended to be anything that you knowingly do that is bad:

    God says that all who sin are of the devil and those who are born of God cannot sin. This is why being reborn through baptism is so important once you have decided to choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and began the journey of repenting from all sin with Jesus as your High Priest and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    Here's a short list of sins that currently dominate our world which most people wouldn’t even think twice about (this is by no means an exhaustive list; I could go on and on):

    1. Using God’s name in vain (breaking commandment 3)

    Examples include: “Oh my God!”, “Jesus Christ!”, “God damn it!”, “Good Lord”, “Sweet baby Jesus!”, “Christ!” … you get the picture. This one is extremely common because:

    - Most people are unaware that this is a sin

    - Almost every Hollywood movie, every tv presenter, news anchor, radio host etc. uses God’s name in vain constantly. Pay attention to it next time you watch a movie on Netflix. It has been drummed into your head from a very young age. Why?

    - Most of your friends/family and even you probably use it a lot in general conversation.This one is also an interesting one to meditate on for non-believers. Ask yourself: Why am I constantly using God’s name in vain in general conversation when I outwardly profess that I don’t believe in God? Could it be that part of me deep down knows he exists but is in denial?

    2. Sexual immorality and Adultery (Breaking commandment 7)

    - You have millions of hours of high-quality, free porn at your fingertips. The vast majority of all internet traffic is from porn. Why is it free? Why is there so much of it?

    - Sex before marriage is normalised in society, even in schools from a very young age.

    - Homosexuality is not only encouraged but celebrated in society. “Gay pride”.- Prostitution is normalised in society.- Cheating women and less often men are celebrated in the mainstream news and media.

    3. Sun worship and worship of false God’s (Breaking commandment 1):

    It is a well known fact that 33rd degree freemasons worship “lucifer the lightbearer” (the devil’s name in heaven before God renamed him satan/the devil). There is a masonic temple in pretty much every suburb in every country in the world. Why?

    Why did many old societies worship God’s of the sun e.g. Apollo, Ra, Mithras, Baal etc?

    Today, why are 95%+ of celebrities, government officials and elite society Freemason’s?

    Here’s a masonic temple in Port Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia:
    4. Use of idols and carved images in false Christian “denominations” and other religions (Breaking commandment 2):Famous examples include..:

    The cross (carved image) and statues of Jesus (idol):

    Statues of Mary (idol) and she isn’t even a divine being to be worshipped (breaks commandment 1 too):

    Buddha statues (idol, false God), most people have these in their garden's too:

    Satanic statues (break commandment 1 and 2):


    5. Murder:

    Murder is becoming increasingly more prevalent in society. Why? Here are some examples:

    - Abortion – Worldwide 40 – 50 millions babies are murdered in the womb every year

    - Covid vaccines – who knows what the final kill rate % will be for those who have taken the “covid vaccines” but so far it is not looking good. All cause mortality around the world has increased by 40% since their introduction.

    - Wars – WW1, WW2 etc. 100’s of millions dead- Christian Uyghurs in China’s “re-education” camps are being used as live organ stores and being harvested when needed. Currently roughly 8 million innocent people reside in these camps and nobody even bats an eye. Countries continue using China for business and usual and even bending to their demands.

    - Hitler executed 6 million jews during world war 2.

    - During the 1260 years of the Roman Catholic church’s reign, they tortured and killed somewhere between 50-100 million Christians for refusing to denounce God and for keeping the 10 commandments. Satan was attempting to eradicate God’s true church.

    Why is this all normal and was/is accepted in society?


    6. Lies and deception (breaking commandment 9):

    Why is it OK for the media and our government officials to lie to us about everything?

    Why is there rampant censorship of the truth?

    Why do paedophiles and murderer’s get away with the most heinous of crimes just because they are rich and powerful?

    Why does the mainstream media and judiciary system cover for these criminals?

    Why do 99% of them get away with these crimes?

    Why does the average person lie more than 100 times a day?

    Why has this been normalised in society?

    Why do we swear an oath on the bible to tell the truth in court?



    7. Sunday worship and the Sabbath (Saturday) being a working day not focused on God (Breaking Commandment 4):


    Why is this normalised by most “Christian” denominations. Why did the Roman catholic church change the Sabbath to Sunday? Under what authority?

    "Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change (Saturday Sabbath to Sunday) was her act... And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things." H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons. Nov. 11, 1895

    "Sunday is our MARK or authority. . .the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1,1923.

    "Sunday is founded, not of scripture, but on tradition. As there is no scripture for the transfer of the day of rest from the last to the first day of the week, Protestants ought to keep their Sabbath on Saturday and thus leave Catholics in full possession of Sunday." - Catholic Record, September 17, 1893.

    [SUN]day… in honour of Sun worship! Why?



    There are many more sins like these perverting our society.

    Why is this normalised? Especially in some denominations of the “Christian” church?

    I’ll let you meditate on that.

    However, do not fear for those who seek to be free of their sins and to come to God. There is still time for you all to confess your sins in prayer to God and repent and be baptised in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


    I would encourage all believers and unbelievers alike who participate in these sins, to self-examine and try to understand why you do them. I used to be a prolific sinner myself. Trust me when I say that repenting of my sins and forming a relationship with God has been the best decision I have ever made in my life. The Lord has even been gracious to work healing miracles on me!

    Anyways I will leave it there. I hope this post open’s some of your eyes and ears. Thank you all for reading, love you all and may God bless you.
    Last edited by TheWayOfHoliness: 10/02/22
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