Why is this man still our Premier?, page-16

  1. 38,123 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    " what it shows is that the vast amount of Victorians are gutless & spineless to voice out against the Lefist political system that has embedded their minds. "

    So, I'm guessing you're not from Victoria then ? What state are you from btw ?

    I'm sure many Victorians would be less than impressed with your characterization of them.

    But hey, it doesn't matter what RWNJs from other states think. Andrews is still polling well in Vic. Partly because of his leadership through this crisis but also partly because he is far and away better than the miserable Victorian Liberal Party. The last thing the Liberal Party did was leave a $1.5 billion poison pill as the voters of Victoria kicked them out of office.

    It's pretty easy to see why Andrews is more popular than the other lot, isn't it ?
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