Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism, page-10

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    The Dr. Robin DiAngelo whose study in whiteness, has discovered that whiteness is wrong.

    Sadly she never figured out, after 5 years of uni what was wrong with 700 million people in Africa, who control everything, & who were by and large not white are also in some degree of whiteless strife? [Her Washington class is largely Afro-American, so I assume this is where her mind goes to. Her whiteness identity crisis doesn't seem to extend to Asians? I could be wrong?]

    Anyway she feels deeply empowered after five years of uni. -  to tell us presumably white people, what the right, right is right. I had a padre once, who felt similarly empowered.  

    As empowered as did the Church or yore once too had a GOD given right to tell what was moral and what was not. But now this holy patricians job has been usurped by modern Departments of Humanities after the Harvard School or Mores.   

    Today both the CHURCH and the DEPARTMENTS of SOCIAL SCIENCES have a loftier insight into morality. They compete for the tithes of the same laity.

    ... and we ought quiver & pray, for both have a 'received' ethos.

    We know why GOD and his Church has ultimate authority over us, because GOD created us.

    By why some twat (in a gender neutral sense of the word) (oops ... and colour blind sense too) at a university in Washington feels she too is as empowered with RECEIVED insight is of some intrigue?


    St. Robin....►►►

    https://robindiangelo.com/about-me/ https://www.facebook.com/robin.diangelo.9


    As stated HERE ►► IS she one of those  pretending bigots,  who in her deepest darkest nightmarish repressions, truly believes that nobody is anywhere as good as a white person!

    One whose inner protestations, belies their outer solemn affirmation!

    "Methinks they fawns too much..."
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